
Hans Langford

Member since November 4th, 2009
firewood stoker,lawn mower,leave blower you name it!

General Info

hunting, fishing, anything outdoors.
Favorite Fish to Catch
largemouth bass+salmon& walleye
Favorite Type of Fishing
Water Type
Favorite Lures
minnows,spoons and spawn bags
Fishing Rods
quantum,shakespear and some ultralight.
Fishing Reels
Fishing Techniques
fish spoons and spawn bags with floats near deep holes.
Favorite Fishing Spot
ludington,mi state park
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4 bluegill not much a little windy white caps coming in

Posted 25 years ago

cold out side couldn't really get to the fish, to windy, they were probably taking a nap just like i should have been doing ha ha

Posted 13 years ago

went for the second time ice fishing on hutchins lake.the ice was thick about 2 feat or so hard to get through.we didnt catch anything because we drilled our hole to near the coast.

Posted 14 years ago

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afternoon went out with dad on the lake, didn't get anything but ice was thick and conditions good.we will be going out again next sat and hope to do better with the shanty and heater.other people cought perch that day with tent. next time we should drill farther out on the lake.

Posted 14 years ago

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went out near the boat launch with grandad (rebalu)and fished of shore and caught a few bass and bluegill that were mostly small sized. the bass fought really good they were probably the srapiest fighters of all time ha ha! granddad had a hard time getting through those weeds but it was worth it when we got there.we cought bluegill on the night crawlers and large mouth bass on some medium sized shiners under waited bobbers.nice lake but it has a lot of brush and is shallow in some places other than that i would say it's great.when you go there in the summer you can catch tons of panfish,northern pike,pikerel,bluegill,yellow perch,and red ear sunfish.so if you live in allegan county,MI you gota try this place.

Posted 15 years ago

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we got there at 6 pm.after eating dinner at culvers.we used light action spinning rods and caught white perch,common carp,yellow perch,bluegill,sunfish and largemouth bass.the carp was big (considering i've never caught one before),probably 5 or 6 pounds.the perch was good for the table and we released the rest. we caught them all on pieces of live worm or plastic worm 2 feet below 2 split shot sinkers. i like to sit and fish near some old docks they have there at kollen park but there are many places were you can sit on the the grass and fish good resting,but just watch that rod tip!the line will tend to move off to the side or the end of your rod will tap.so you have to be watchful.some other people were catching walleye and i didn't ask what they were using,but it looked like large minnows attached to 3 way swivels and pyramid sinkers.it's best to have two ultralight rods that are ether spinning or spin casting.plastic worms,night crawlers,red worms,minnows,or for the most part any live bait on split shots.we go out there quit often but the best times to go are in early morning like 7 o'clock am. or 6 o'clock pm.

Posted 25 years ago

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caught one nice brown trout good eating at the dinner table. my dad grew up there in lewistown MT so he new all of the good fishing spots around that area.

Posted 15 years ago

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good fishing, we went out on the boat on hutchins lake with pop at 7:00 am and stayed out until 12:00. phew!hot day caught a lot of small fish like bluegill,sunfish, and perch mixed in with some bass.kept a few of them .some days are better than others and that one was good!it was very fogy when we got out there,so fogy that we could hardly see a few feet ahead of us.the fog mostly cleared up by 9:30 am.and we got to fishing our favorite spots for bluegill,pumpkinseed sunfish,and large mouth bass. the bass were mostly subtle in they're biting and i prefer to release them,but when you've set the hook ,fish on! the bluegill and sunfish are small and a few big ones in between they will tend to be found near shallow parts of the lake and weed edges.all you don't want to do is get the trolling motor get caught up in the weeds so you will have to row back to the boat launch.as i mentioned in my previous trip hutchins lake 2 it's a very weedy place but worth it when you get there.anyway we were chasing some big bass with minnows out on our 16 foot boat and caught pretty many,in fact we had probably never caught that many lmbs before in one trip.as for the bluegills the big ones came in between smaller ones witch we threw back also a lot of cleaning work and good eating

Posted 14 years ago

nice day for fishing but we still didn't catch anything some people use smelt and catch a lot.

Posted 25 years ago

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steelheading was hot that day.I caught a 21" northern pike and big bluegill.and some other guys caught steelhead and snd salmon.

Posted 14 years ago

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