Ohio Fish Finder Users

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Ohio User List

Fisherman Username Name Joined Views Points State
Anthony scarton anthony216fishes Anthony scarton 08/03/24 271 0 Ohio
Owen  Lane soundsfishy17 Owen Lane 03/18/24 402 0 Ohio
Bruce Barnjum bruce10892 Bruce Barnjum 02/06/24 422 0 Ohio
Aj Hernandez caddy Aj Hernandez 09/30/23 539 0 Ohio
Rob Cunningham mountnman60 Rob Cunningham 07/24/23 572 1 Ohio
Leslie Sherman fuzzymom74 Leslie Sherman 07/10/23 475 0 Ohio
JAKE COOK jakecook JAKE COOK 05/26/23 480 0 Ohio
Warren Dobbins marcusbarleycorn Warren Dobbins 04/11/23 418 0 Ohio
lucy sage sagelucy lucy sage 12/07/22 500 0 Ohio
Andrew Taylor ataylor2196 Andrew Taylor 11/29/22 409 0 Ohio
Todd Riegel riggs44 Todd Riegel 08/17/22 427 0 Ohio
spsingleton45 05/04/22 383 0 Ohio
Ryan Smith ryguythefishfry Ryan Smith 03/06/22 461 0 Ohio
mark harron nicks1 mark harron 10/03/21 511 2 Ohio
 Steven Smith fishartistry Steven Smith 06/09/21 3747 6 Ohio
Amber Speakman ambs2388 Amber Speakman 05/16/21 490 0 Ohio
Tom C tomtom Tom C 05/02/21 477 0 Ohio
Ralph Gribble sonder Ralph Gribble 03/18/21 546 0 Ohio
Tracy Pope tpope11 Tracy Pope 03/11/21 475 0 Ohio
doug gatian dagats doug gatian 03/09/21 376 0 Ohio
Noah Hall noah.hall Noah Hall 02/03/21 353 0 Ohio
Ryan Kelly kayakfishing101 Ryan Kelly 02/01/21 360 0 Ohio
Jonathan Layne jdrlayne1152003 Jonathan Layne 12/15/20 408 0 Ohio
Tim Holmes taholmes160 Tim Holmes 09/15/20 494 1 Ohio
Bill Bruder heatsekr1 Bill Bruder 09/09/20 386 0 Ohio
Dorothy Frederick dot Dorothy Frederick 08/28/20 409 0 Ohio
Brett Ledfors brettnp Brett Ledfors 08/04/20 585 1 Ohio
steve fisher gofeesh85 steve fisher 08/04/20 377 0 Ohio
hope phillips hope955 hope phillips 07/31/20 377 0 Ohio
Liam ODonnell kidfisher10 Liam ODonnell 06/17/20 374 0 Ohio
Tonya Towns will9115 Tonya Towns 05/30/20 393 0 Ohio
Bait Tackle thefishfiend Bait Tackle 05/28/20 5331 1 Ohio
bob howell fishman12096 bob howell 05/12/20 341 0 Ohio

OH Fish Finder

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