
mike f

Massachusetts, USA
Member since October 17th, 2012

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Could not have asked for a better day weather wise. 65 and sunny low winds. got to pond around 1:00 fished to about 4:00. went right to the islands and fished the shores for bass with no results. Decided to troll around and see if we cant pick up a trout and we picked up a 21" pickerel on an al's gold fish. Pulled over to some docks on the east side and i pulled in another pickerel on a slugo first cast. fished there some more but nothing else. went to the south east side and worked the drop off's hard with a wide range of baits but nothin. then we noticed a big truck at the launch, so we went in to take another look. It was a Chemlawn truck filling up with pond water. I thought they treated Lake pearl to get rid of the weeds. So are they gonna lay this anti weed treated pond water on someones lawn. Hmm, I'll stick with doing it myself thank you. anyways, we took another loop trolling and got one more pick between the two islands on small Rapala.

Posted 12 years ago

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