The Sud Fishing Report

5 Rating based on 5 Reviews


Thursday Night Fishing League started last night at the Sud. Beautiful night and the wind finally calmed down.

Met up with Badlarry about 6pm, after I crutched myself down the causeway, said what's up and handed him a Tall Twisted Tea and away we went. Slow on the causeway, couple of rises but no takers.

After an hour we move spots and that worked out alot better!!! Nice little spot that we will hit again, produced 3 LMB, and thankfully 2 of them were MINE!!!!

What a sight it must of been to see me climb down a 3 1/2 foot wall to land my not 3lb bass hahahahaha

We heard a Fish jumping under the road, and well you know what happened next, yup, Badlarry had a bite and the I nailed him, almost like deja vu.... I did it to Badlarry again, I caught his fish. hahahaha twice in the same week. Sorry Bro You'll do great tomorrow!!!!!

Final talley:

Muskie = 2
Badlarry = 1

Next week will be here also, already have 3-4 more guys, so come on out and say hello!!!


  • Added By: muskiebigfish on 04/26/13 08:03 AM
  • Also There: badlarry
  • Location: The Sud
  • Report Date: 4/25/2013
  • # of Hotspots: 1
  • # of Photos: 3
  • # of Fish Caught: 3
  • Learn more about The Sud fishing in our fishing message boards

Report Photos

... muskiebigfish posted in MA
... muskiebigfish posted in MA
... muskiebigfish posted in MA

Report Catches

T.N.F.L Catch

  • # of Fish Caught: 3
  • Water Type: freshwater
  • Type of Fish: Largemouth Bass
  • Fish Weight (Avg): 1 lbs. 8 oz.
  • Bait Details: Yo Mama Senko
    The Big ones Gasoline Green
  • Location Details: On the Horeshoe

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  • You guys have any interest on meeting Monday? Working in Framingham plan on being there around 6

  • I expect alot of the same tomorrow The come and watch Muskie catch fish tour!!!! Yes Sa

  • You are enjoying my curse way to much Muskie!!!*shakes fist in the air*

  • Wish I had the time I know if I went down to the river could have got a couple kiva's and maybe even a couple of golden shiners or pondies!

  • Actually I caught 2. Just enough, 1 for each ROD!!

  • Maybe I catch a 3lb weed ha ha!Eric told me you couldn't even catch a kiva today ha ha!

  • Biggz those fish were probably looking for crawfish or small sunfish that I saw rising just off those rocks a few days ago.You did well to get those 2 very tough shore fishing conditions.Water was very warm to the touch and so were the fish I caught so that place will be slamming shortly I give her a week 2 tops and the fish will be everywhere I hope! ha ha much tougher this yr with higher water.They let a ton of water out last yr because they were working on the dam and the fishing was fantastic.You could get to so many places you just can't get to now much better access!

  • Guess you won't be taking any Pics tomorrow!!! POW!!


  • I take pics of all my worthy fish.usually 3lb limit but if they are chunky and close I will take a pic.I send them to the fellow thfl members ha ha biggz If I go out with you guys again I will need your # so I can show pics or actually fish in same spots ha ha.I'm to cheap to have data on my phone so don't wan't to pay to upload photo's.Sadly I just erased last yrs photo's(All except 7 1/2lb bass my personal best caught early spring last yr.At least since I kept track of these things caught some monsters as a teen but then again everything looks huge when you are a kid much better judge of size and weight now that I've actually weighed some.

  • Yeah I was on the far side of the culvert furthest from 9. Fished both sides, both caught in a jig

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