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"Get Hooked on Ohio"


Group Info:



Group is passionate abouit fly fishing in fresh water streams, rivers and ponds as well as in saltwater. Novice to experienced fly anglers welcome



Capt. Bob Salerno

Dan Boucher

mike conte

Stan Crampton


Allen Pickett

Ernie Cruz

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10/07/12 07:03 PM
My trip in April I landed a 5.53 pound largemouth bass on my 7 weight fly outfit.

10/06/11 12:01 AM
On my last fishing trip 2 weeks ago I caught a 6 pound channel cat on my 5/6 weight fly rod while fishing for sunfish for flathead cat bait. I was using a small red wet fly with a small piece of squid tentacle as dressing on the hook. Took about 10 minutes to boat it. Great fun!

04/12/11 11:08 PM
Hi all. I'm strictly a warm water fly fisherman, bass, stripers, and sunfish. All we have here in the desert is warm water!
Caught @ 30 nice bluegills Friday April 1st on my 5/6 weight rod. Got 1 largemouth on my 7 weight.

03/11/10 11:54 AM
Hi Bob
Your group is what I was looking for since I am a die hard fly fisherman too. I tie all my own flies and love to fish from shore or on my boat. Looking to buy a canoe to fish the smaller lakes and ponds besides the calmer bay areas for stripers.

02/01/09 11:32 AM
On February 22, from 11AM to 4PM the CT RI Saltwater Coastal Fly Fishers will hold a FREE Fly Tying Consortium at the South Kensington Firehouse in Kensington ( Berlin) CT. This is open free of charge to any and all interested in the art of Fly Tying. Bring you vise and tools and spend the day tying, learning new patterns for both fresh and saltwater sharing stories and commraderie. If you don't tye, but would like to learn, CTRI members will provide equipment and provides lessons. Everyhing is free - no charges. Great opportunity to pick up some tips or learn to tye your first fly.
Over 28 clubs and organizations have been invited.
The Consortium is held to promote the art of fly tying and fly fishing. There is no commercial activiy associated with the event. Mark you calendars - meet some great fly tyers and help beat cabin fever. Look for more information in January or contact me at Captrbob317@comcast.net - be sure to use Fly Tying or Symposium, in the title of the e-mail.

09/03/08 07:34 PM
P.S. Just noticed the group is in CT. Duh. I'm now in MA. I still want to join.

09/03/08 07:28 PM
Hey Bob,
I fit the above description. I have been tying flies for 30 years or so. Originally from Conn. I still fish there a lot. Trout in the Willimantic River and the Farmington. No Kill areas only usually. I fish Long Island sound as well. Locally, I do no trout fishing (I have some limited experience over the years. ) In the Salt, I like Joppa Flats and I have started exploring some on the North shore. I live in Stoneham. I recently bought a used 16 ft Starcraft w/ 40 HP Evinrude. I hope to launch this weekend. I am looking forward to fishing Salem and Lynn harbors and the rivers like Merrimac and Danvrs. I also want to check out the Sudbury River and various ponds and reservoirs. I am excited to read about Northern pike locally. I love Pike!
Thanks for staaarting this group.

Misc Info

Group Created By:

Date Established:
Aug 13, 2008

Type: Public
Visibility: National
# Members: 7
Views: 26877

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