Jamaica pond, Boston MA Fishing Report

5 Rating based on 5 Reviews

Saturday Trout In Jp

Going out to Jamaica pond this Saturday regardless of what the weather is like, gonna go for some holdover trout and maybe even some bass. Gonna see if any of you guys want to hit the pond with me but I might have to brave it alone. I'm going to be using gulp alive fluorescent orange salmon eggs wrapped up in gulp trout dough, chunky chartreuse colored. I'm hoping to get at least 3 hours of fishing in or until I catch my limit. Hope to see some of you guys out there!

Caught a few nice rainbows in about two hours the weather was okay but what really surprised me was the fact that the whole pond is open water now!!!!! Going out again tonight with patriotsandbass, it's gonna be his first time fishing there!

  • Added By: mr.troutmaster on 03/28/14 07:38 AM
  • Location: Jamaica pond, Boston MA
  • Report Date: 3/28/2014
  • Learn more about Jamaica pond, Boston MA fishing in our fishing message boards

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  • Yeah man you just gotta find out what too use for that day, I almost never get skunked at Jamaica pond!! I got two rainbows and was hooked up with a third for a good minute but I was tying up one of the fish that I had just caught on my live line, and by the time I was done with that the fish was gone!!

  • I was there with my buddy early on in the morning with no luck you find any fish?

  • Went there from 9 to 12, 1 hit, beautiful day though

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