Merrimack River Fishing Report

5 Rating based on 22 Reviews

Huge Northern Pike

I picked up Dunt around 3:30 and headed over to the Merrimack for some smallies. He started us off with a nice 2 pounder on a KVD square bill. Then I got a dink on a square bill. We came up on a cove that had water chestnuts just starting to take over. We went in. The depth was between 1-3 ft. Hard to tell with the weeds. We were hoping to find Larry but got a bigger surprise. We were both throwing buzz baits. I got a huge blowup right near the boat and then another 2-3 casts later but didn't hook up. Then I hear Dunt say he has one. I hear line stripping and locate the fish. That's a Pike!!!! Dunt's using a spinning rod with 10 pound mono. He fights the fish perfectly for a long time. Every time he gets it close, it sees the boat and makes a run. I have the net ready and we finally get him in.
We get the lure out and figure out the best way to grab it. It's Dunt's first Northern and I've only got 2. I grab it by the back of the head and we get it on the scale. 12.2 it weighs. I caught a couple of dink smallies and then it was time to go.

  • Added By: shawneramone on 06/05/14 10:40 PM
  • Also There: dunt
  • Location: Merrimack River
  • Report Date: 6/5/2014
  • # of Photos: 1
  • Learn more about Merrimack River fishing in our fishing message boards

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... shawneramone posted in MA

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  • Fortunately for me James both my jobs are slow during fishing season. I'd really like to be working the Stanley cup finals right now.

  • wicked jealous! never caught a pike before!!!!!! looks like i need to go after them!!!

    DAMN!!!!!!! NICE FISH!!!!!!!!

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