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Flounder Filet Sandwich Recipe for Summer Flounder (Fluke)

Title: Flounder Filet Sandwich
by hooligan
Type: Entree
Servings: 6
Difficulty: Easy
Prep Time: 15-20 minutes
Cook Time: 8-10 minutes
Ingredients: -Flounder Fillets
-Lemon Pepper Marinade (any brand)
-Stick of butter
-Swiss Cheese slices (any brand)
-American Cheese slices (any brand)
-Martin's Dutch Potato Rolls
-Tin Foil
-Baking Sheet
-Basting brush
Directions: Prep your Flounder Fillets on a plate or some wax paper (deboning, skinning, etc)

Take your lemon pepper marinade and empty it into a bowl, or salad dressing cup.

Brush lemon pepper marinade on both sides of the fillets evenly with a basting brush. As much or as little as desired; depending on your personal preference.

Place basted fillets on buttered tin foiled baking sheet, and place in the oven. At 350 degrees for roughly 8-10 minutes. Flounder fillets are typically smaller and take less time to cook. But make sure you keep an eye on them none the less so you dont under cook, or over cook them.

Place Potato Roll halves in the toaster, and toast them for about 2 minutes, until they are lightly golden brown. Remove, and set aside.

Turn off your oven, and place American Cheese and Swiss cheese slices on fillets while they're still in the oven. But make sure you turn the oven off so you dont over cook the fish or burn the cheese. Melt cheese evenly, and remove fillets from the oven.

Let fillets sit for a few minutes to cool off.

Place fillets on your toasted potato rolls, and serve! Serve with Macaroni Salad, Potato Salad, or French Fries.

Other Notes: This recipe can be done with breaded fillets as well if you don't like lemon pepper. You can use other cheeses as well, I just personally think the Swiss Cheese and American Cheeses melted together taste terrific with this meal! Good eats!
Date Added: 06/20/12 11:13 PM

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